Students building and programming the LEGO Spike Prime robots
Elementary school students learning and operating Outer Galaxy robots at the science fair
Elementary age group students watching live demo of FTC robots on the Outer Galaxy field
Outer Galaxy advanced into NJ State Championship for the 3rd straight season
Awards: Audacious Autonomous, #1 Ranked Team, Highest Match Score and Air Superiority
Girls discussing pre-game strategy
Team at the NJ State Championship for its 3rd consecutive season
Our season robot with enhanced mechanisms
Our robot for Power Play season.
Initial season robot with arm and claw mechanism
Revised chassis. New linear slide driven mechanism with 3D printed claw
Improvised chassis with 270° swiwel arm to rapid cone delivery
Conducting robotics introduction and pathways workshop for young minds in the community
Team Outer Galaxy at Williamstown Tournament
Outer Galaxy with HIGHEST SCORE Award